>> what's your opinion?

You need to question him about his motives. I mean if you’ve lost confidence in his ability to protect you, then by all means screw his fillings about how he’ll take it and talk to him, let him know how you fill and give the reasons. Better that you let him know how you feel so that if he does wimp out in the future, he’ll understand the evil eye you give him... view full thread

  • June - Health and Wellness - Coverage of current health & wellness issues and programs editor@corrections.com

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Responsible for the protection of life and property and enforcement of laws and ordinances. The position requires considerable knowledge of modern principles and practices of police work including: knowledge of first-aid methods, ability to act reasonably without direct supervision, ability to observe situations analytically and objectively, ability to report and record situations clearly and completely, ability to react quickly and calmly in emergency situations, ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with associates and a demographically diverse public... >> view full job posting

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Every man's life is a fairy tale written by God's fingers.
- Hans Christian Andersen
