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Recent Posts by Stag


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Jan 06, 2012
Male user Stag 3 posts

Topic: The Club House / Losing control

I have worked in the same jail for a few years. In dealing with inmates I am firm but fair, what I do to one I do to all. I am considered a tough officer. I have respect of most inmates, the ones that know what respect is. That’s all we have behind the walls. I tell the inmates that I don’t care what there here for or why. My job is safety and security of lives and whether or not they like it we have rules that they are to follow. If there choose not to follow them then I will take action to correct their mistake. If they want to be loud and disruptive, fight and just be hateful to other, we have a place for them. A place they can yell, scream, kick their doors, intimidate other, and be disruptive. I send the to the "Hole.’ It’s only a report. After that I back up what I said but in a respectful way. We don’t hold these position as judges. Who cares why they are there. Do you job and run your cell block. If you see an inmate running you block for you reclass him to another area and gain control of your blocks.
I do understand about the administration. The Good Ole Boys. Eventually they will fade out. Also if you think things need to be fixed, put yourself in a position to assist in fixing them…..promotions.
I also understand that some of the officers that let the inmates rule, flip some of that responsibility back on the F.T.O.s and instructors. They teach and watch these new recruits and let them slide. Senior Officer???? you are to blame to. We need to help each by protecting each other. If you see an officer do something wrong or let things slide, let them know so they can be a better officer. We are a team. Let’s start acting like one. Later.

Oct 28, 2008
Male user Stag 3 posts

Topic: The Club House / If corrections had a slogan what would it be?

If you don’t like it (Prison), stay home and you wouldn’t have to worry about it. Stag

Sep 25, 2008
Male user Stag 3 posts

Topic: Security Central / 8 pointed star

Does anyone know anything about the 8 pointed star? I believe it has to do with the Crips. Possibly 8 trey gang.

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