Recent Posts by knuckle dragger
Sep 30, 2015
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Topic: A Broader View / Perception of Correctional staff REWIND, Sounds like you’re a little bitter, do some time did ya? I do a good job as a CO it’s just a job. If people think I’m a low life thug let them think it. The media has to make money and are they going to sell movies and TV commercial time, no one wants to watch a CO that is doing a good honest job. You need Drama and all that goes with it. That’s why scripted crap reality shows stay on they add too them to make them sell, real life is boring. Most if not all of my co-workers have college degrees or post law enforcement training. Of course to be a lieutenant or captain here I think the criteria is ADD/ADHD or some type of learning disability. Just because you’re a doctor, lawyer, truck driver by trade it doesn’t mean your any good at it. So rewind go hate on someone else I know life dealt you a bad hand and I’m sure none of it’s your fault because most Sociopaths see it that way. I bet you would be great at planting two lips. |
Dec 20, 2013
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Topic: The Club House / Criminal Rehab Program R.Recovery……….I understand that it would be fantastic to get people off their addictions and since most crimes are drug related it would reduce recidivism and violent crimes. Are you talking about court ordered treatment or just getting users to go through your programs? I don’t see how an addict that robs and steals to pay for their addiction could pay for your services without some kind of stipend from grants or funds through the taxpaying public. |
Dec 18, 2013
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Topic: The Club House / Criminal Rehab Program R. recovery……..Unless I’m looking at it wrong basically criminalrehabilitaion is just a one stop shop for addictions. The clients as you refer to them, are not actually incarcerated while enrolled in this service? |
Dec 17, 2013
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Topic: The Club House / Criminal Rehab Program RJC……….As long as one person is incarcerated no one is free. And while we are at it, save the forests,bees,cows,buffalo,oceans,air,puppies and all the third world countries and that would rather see America dead. |
Nov 22, 2013
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Topic: Letter of The Law / Internal Training and Education Legal guardian…… So little sally rottencrotch should be directed only by you, for any of his/her mental health and medical needs? If that inmate needs an aspirin or toothbrush it should be cleared by you first? That the health professionals and corrections officers, should listen only to the legal guardian when there is a decision to be made? If an inmate is trying to kill or sexually assault that inmate we should check with you? If that inmate tries to injure or kill themselves we should check with you? Now I get what you’re saying I’m sure you’re correct, because you read those legal journals at the library and had that night class. You have the definitive answer for everything, thank you for clearing that up. So the inmates that are wards of the state, aren’t really wards of the state? I’m going to take my best crayon and write that down. Oh and could you help me with a spelling since I didn’t get past the fourth grade? Is this the right spelling for insipid dickhead? Sincerely Ward. |
Oct 29, 2013
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Topic: In Memory of... / Good decisions Quick, snap, insipid, rash, clear cut. to name a few. |
Oct 29, 2013
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Topic: In Memory of... / Good decisions Officers making good decisions life or death out comes. |
Oct 29, 2013
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Topic: In Memory of... / BAD decisions Looks like you mad a" bad decision." |
Oct 16, 2013
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Topic: A Broader View / Employment in Corrections... Squeeze…….. FYI Capital brewery: spotted cow. Summit: extra pale ale. Anything from Rush river or Leinenkugels .iT’S LIKE AN ANGEL PISSING ON YOUR TONGUE. |
Oct 02, 2013
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Topic: Security Central / Maximum security for former COs Nope…..only been through three wardens in twenty-five years. All followed the same style and idealogy. |
Oct 02, 2013
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Topic: Security Central / Maximum security for former COs Squeeze………..You got my vote no bullshit from me. I’m a hammerhead and usually had to figure this crap out on my own, I made alot of mistakes and still do. It’s nice hear hear a CO. with an honest stand up attempt to get what they want, and it sounds like you did it on your own, without the perfunctory Upper echelon pole smoking a majority of people do to improve thier position. |
Sep 30, 2013
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Topic: Security Central / Maximum security for former COs RCJ……….A county jail I worked at for years used only Caseworkers to classify inmates. The only problem was they were not as familiar with certain inmates who were trouble makers and they often placed the inmates in units that were not suitable. I would rather have a combination of COs caseworkers and supervisors do the classification to get an all around evaluation. |
Sep 30, 2013
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Topic: Security Central / Maximum security for former COs RCJ……….Our facility has a similar job classification but they are termed different. One example, a CO who classifies inmates is called a” Security unit classification knowledge and system specialist 1.” A similar title but higher level job class is a,” Building liaison officer with main entry 1. Both job classifications require officers to have special personalized training usually one to one with administrative officers. Because of the higher level of pay and responsibility most Cos who try to attain these job classes have to work closely with administrative personnel and are removed from the main stream, line officer positions, and are placed in a,” security network intelligence team control highway”, this is a facility team that closely regulates and surveys staff and inmate information not only for inmate classification but staff job placement as well. I believe you only have to be able to read and write to apply with no special education requirements, I’m not sure if other states have the same job classifications. |
Sep 29, 2013
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Topic: Security Central / Maximum security for former COs Squeeze……. Well said, and don’t get me wrong there’s still PC it’s just not called that anymore. The facility is well aware of civil rights violations and they usually error on the safe side and go overboard to make sure an inmate is fat and happy. If a high level media known former CO, COP, government official can’t be placed they do have compacts with in and out state facilities. |
Sep 27, 2013
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Topic: Security Central / Maximum security for former COs Brett Ohnstad…………..You’re on the mark, “you’re a real straight shooter with upper management potential written all over you.” Classification should be determined by past history, mental and physical limitations, assaults on staff, Etc. Just because an inmate may have a past with law enforcement or corrections experience it doesn’t mean they will necessarily have an edge on anyone else. I’ve known inmates with many years under their belt that know the system better than some of the COs. As you have probably witnessed over the years often the inmates know what’s going on before the COs do. Protective custody is almost non-existent in our system the powers that be are trying to place inmates into units that will be beneficial to the inmate. If a unit proves to be a bad fit for the inmate he is moved to a different one. If all else fails and the inmate is an assault risk or has difficult mental problems they usually end up in a high observation unit on “double secret probation,” In a 23 hour closed unit and close supervision. This is just another way of placing inmates on PC but as a different so called classification. If an inmate has past corrections or police experience it doesn’t play into it much, they are treated like any other inmate and if problems arise they are dealt with on a case by case basis. |
Sep 21, 2013
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Topic: Letter of The Law / Internal Training and Education Legalguardian…… As is typical, a number of people could tell you what they deem to be the truth and in good faith try to explain and anwswer your question, what ever it is. But until you hear what you want this will just keep going around in circles. You’ll be a great jail house lawyer someday. The end |
Sep 20, 2013
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Topic: Letter of The Law / Internal Training and Education Legalguardian……………. it’s apples and oranges, Sorry I can’t help. |
Sep 20, 2013
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Topic: Letter of The Law / Internal Training and Education Legalguardian……. What are you trying to get at other than being completely wrong? It appears you ask questions that you already think you have the answers for. It appears that you are just another individual that got his feelings hurt because somewhere along the line someone told you no. I get the impression you may possibly be an ambulance chaser or have the law library saved in your lap tops favorites. |
Sep 20, 2013
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Topic: Letter of The Law / Internal Training and Education Legalguardian……….In my experience a large majority of inmates coming through the system have some type of psychological handicap along with learning disabilities and boarder line mental retardation. The Title II, Americans With Disabilities Act. Covers and protects those individuals that need special housing and programs. #1 Protect them from predatory behavior #2. Maintain programming and health services for those individuals. In our system there is a large constituency of mental health workers and specialized learning teachers. Once the inmate enters the facility, programming and health services begin with detailed tests and interviews to establish placement with best practices, so that the individual will have the possibility of serving their time with all available opportunities afforded them. When a vulnerable adult comes into our system like all inmates they are wards of the state all of their medical both physical and psychological are under the facilities control and any outside prior medical practices or treatments are taken under advice but the facilities medical staff have the final say in treatment and programming. We have yearly standardized training in dealing with inmates who have special needs. There is also a referral system that can get an inmate placed for observation if a CO feels there is just cause. |
Sep 19, 2013
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Topic: The Club House / Women working in Corrections Squeeze……. Our upper midwest facility policy maintains that a female must work any womans admissions post and do all female stripsearches. Other than that Male COs work the female units on a daily bassis. And yes the female inmates get twice as many privlages and perks as the male inmates. It also doesn’t help that the female cell hall director doesn’t know whats she’s doing. |
Sep 12, 2013
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Topic: The Club House / Written Exam Questions mtarrant……….you don’t need it you’ll figure it out. |
Sep 12, 2013
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Topic: Tech Talk / Input appreciated RFID Tracking Mr. Booth….As a traveling salesman and former jail employee I’m sure you have seen many different systems and perspectives for inmate management and security. But as “Campi” states they will figure out the system you have. Twenty-four hours a day seven days a week they are watching and examining every aspect of thier world, The COs only play that part on a regular shift. The system in my facility consists of a bar code and scanners. Alas they constantly break down and we have to revert back to the P and P protocol (paper and pencil). I assume your system is top of the line and works fine but in the working system I’m sure it has its bugs. The use of Radios, panic alarms and cameras often fall into the go to device whenever a situation occurs. Legally how does the tracking system hold up against arguement? I would never trust computer software or rely on them totally. The company that services our tracking system does make good money they are called back quite often. Maybe your system would work better if we could just use it on the stupid COs. Good luck |
Sep 10, 2013
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Topic: The Club House / Written Exam Questions mtarrant…… when you take that written like all tests go through it and answer the questions your most confident you can answer right then go back and answer the one you aren’t sure about, if the timing allows it. It wouldn’t be ethical or |
Sep 05, 2013
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Topic: The Club House / Written Exam Questions mtarrant……….Just keep after it kid, you wouldn’t be the first one to have to retest a time or two. Normally I tell people to look for a different line of work, why would someone in their right mind want to work in a prison? We get shit thrown at us we have to work with people who literally want to kill us and it’s a dark unhappy place and that’s just the other staff. We won’t get rich but it helps pay the bills and I do get some satisfaction out of it, not that I’m helping people but I’ve developed many ways to f**k with people and have fun doing it. I assume most fellow CO’s would agree |
Sep 05, 2013
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Topic: The Club House / Written Exam Questions mtarrant…..There’s a ranking and a cut off score it depends on the number of positions being filled and like Ohio they go down the list to fill. The list normally lasts six to twelve months. The written just gets a pool of candidates they can choose from then the real process begins with interviews and background checks it takes forever. Occasionally some people can get on the fast track and skip some of the hoops to jump through, but they need to know someone high up the ladder. |