Recent Posts by 1265
Nov 12, 2007
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Topic: Health & Wellness / Elderly without funds, using prison to live, eat, receive health careĀ You are right about the politicians being greedy and uncaring, they always have been. But you can’t blame the people who voted for the other guy.You say “there should be homes for those that don’t have the funds” and they “should be funded by the gov.” To that I say are your taxes not high enough already? And you ask why there are so many in jail? It is NOT the lack of education and training! I suggest you work in a jail for a year or so. You will see that the jails are full of people that have rejected education and training and DO NOT WANT TO WORK!!!. Jails are the homes for these people. They DO NOT want education, training, discipline, religion, a job. They want to live a free and reckless life with no responsibilities for their actions. The shame is on society itself because society wants to be free and reckless to follow it’s base desires. Society screamed to get the Bible taken out of its public schools-societies law makers allowed it. Society wanted legalized abortions-your lawmakers allowed it. More recently society wants the Ten Commandments removed from public places-your lawmakers are working on it. You are right we need to make changes. The problem is too many people in the US want to take GOD out of “In God we Trust” and have adopted a “WHATEVER” attitude and quite simply dont give a damn. We will lose more than our rights my friend, We like Rome will fall because we got so big and thought so highly of ourselves that we pushed away the God that made this country the great country that it was. I say was because the school , crime, literacy, etc. statistics prove it! I don’t know who but someone really wise said: IF WE DON’T LEARN FROM HISTORY’S MISTAKES WE ARE BOUND TO REPEAT THEM. I submit to you sir that it is too late to sack the politicians because the U.S. is beginning to reap the consequences of turning away from its God and turning to paganism. 911 was a wake up call for the U.S. What’s next? I am not complaining. I am doing my part. I keep the jail doors locked. With all due respect what are you doing??? |
Nov 12, 2007
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Topic: The Club House / Starting Career in Corrections Everything David Rivas is right. The stress is not what some make it out to be but depending on the situation the stress level can jump through the roof in a heart beat. Sharing or venting is key to de-stressing as long as it is done with respect for your friend, spouse or who ever is going to be listening to you. My wife has always let me talk it out, NOT TAKE IT OUT and when done forget it. As far as the prison culture spilling over, you will need a strong constitution and belief system in order to avoid the statistics. Personally I live by the teachings found in the Bible. The Word of God helps me to deal with the people in the jail and out. If your personality is that of a follower or a laydown you should consider another career. You have to have the ability to turn it up without anger or hesitation and just as quickly turn it back down. Take care and good luck with your career. VC |
Oct 29, 2007
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Topic: Letter of The Law / Can we deny inmates access to newspapers, magazines as an incentive for better behavior? mbruchshaw, most jails allow novels to be read but not news papers or magazines. With regard to trustees. I was in charge of the inmate worker program in our jail for three years. I am a good judge of people and had a lot of success. Most of the inmates I hired worked out really well. However something happens to inmates when they are made trustees. Human nature takes over and we can see a variety of behaviors such as: theft, arrogance, elitism when they get really comfortable, bossing others around, etc. The fact that they are classified as workers and most likely housed separately from general population is a big plus already. We have to watch how many extras and liberties they are allowed because the more you give, the more most of these folks will take and will demand/expect more. |
Oct 29, 2007
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Topic: Letter of The Law / Can we deny inmates access to newspapers, magazines as an incentive for better behavior? Yes! because newspapers and magazines won’t rehabilitate the incarcerated. Secondly, unless you have worked with incarcerated people you have NO IDEA what these folks can do/make when given extra building materials. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you can watch a T.V. show and know all about working in a jail or prison. Unless you have been there you don’t have a right to dictate or suggest what inmates can or can’t have. alytle, sorry you were offended by some of the statements made here. I also have a relative serving time in DOC. Stay Safe!! |
Oct 29, 2007
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Topic: A Broader View / prison-sanctioned tatoo program for inmates? Good or bad? Lets not forget what incarceration is for. They broke the law-the courts took away their rights and threw them in jail to do time. If the powers that be continue to make that time easier to do, then what’s the point? Recidivism- all you liberals who come up with these less than brilliant ideas of making incarceration more convenient should work in a jail or prison for a couple of years and see the word in action. Too many keep coming back!!! You want to fix something? You should take your bright ideas and programs to the grade schools and see if you can keep the little ones straight because by the time they get to us…....Recidivism |
Oct 28, 2007
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Topic: Health & Wellness / Are COs tested yearly for TB? In our AZ jail the officers are tested yearly and inmates after a couple of weeks unless the med screen during the booking process indicates a possible problem. |
Oct 28, 2007
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Topic: The Club House / New to this site I joined a couple of hours ago. Looks like a great site with some interesting folks. Glad I found it. I hope to meet some of you soon. Stay Safe! |
Oct 28, 2007
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Topic: The Club House / Losing control Roxy you are right, we should consider the source. Defcolt I think you hit the nail on with some of the things you said as did the others. I think it is safe to say this is happening throughout the nation and policy changes have been made or policies added as a result of the changing times. To the former Sing Sing officer, sir we are made of the same stuff you and your fellow officers were made of. And yes we would very much enjoy taking a difficult subject out of cameras view and tenderize them. We still do! but not for verbal provacation. For verbal and general stupidity most places will impose sanctions, lockdown or go in and get them out much like Untouchable _1 did. Unfortunately, today we have to let them make the first move. After that, I assure you sir, “IT’S ON!”, and they don’t forget it. If they do, they may need to be reminded again…and some are. I must also say that 99% of the time I get through my day using good old fashioned respect and courtesy, (not ass kissing!) and as defcolt said: “consistency”. Stay Safe folks! |
Oct 28, 2007
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Topic: The Club House / Fitter criminals than officers? Very definitely, “don’t judge a book by it’s cover”... but what is inside the book is your responsibility! Get some kind of fitness equipment or join a club…work on your cardio and stay fast and strong and for the love of God DON’T EAT DONUTS! Watch the movie “300”. Learn from the Battle at Thermopylae and the spirit that drove King Leonidas!!! Some will call us “Boss”. Your job is Care-Custody and Control (control being the boss part). You can what if all you want. But you MUST be ready to out psych, out smart, out think and yes out fight them if the situation calls for it. Good Luck to you young man, Stay Safe!!! |
Oct 28, 2007
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Topic: The Club House / Women working in Corrections Seaspirit is absolutely right! Back up what you say and get ready for the ones that will test you. Your consistency over time will give you a good rep and respect with the inmates.I have had the pleasure of working with several female officers. If you do this gig long enough you will meet male or female officers that should be employed elsewhere. But I can tell you from experience. I have worked with females that I would trust in ANY situation! One was 5’4” tall and could punch your lights out in a heartbeat! DO NOT be intimidated by ANYONE-Officers or inmates. Stay with it and learn from the ladies that have been there. Good Luck to you and Stay Safe! |
Oct 28, 2007
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Topic: The Club House / help a marine out First of all I thank you for your service in the Marines. Mick is right: “be yourself”. Also take the time to read about the different agencies, institutions, benefits, unions etc. Find out what jobs are out there and what they will offer you. You can be sure that you are not only needed in Davidson County Tenn. Your’e needed all over the country! Good Luck and Stay Safe! |
Oct 28, 2007
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Topic: The Club House / Living breathing flesh ? Hello all, hny4jc you may want to take into consideration agency or institutional policies with regards to an inmates right to X amount of uninterupted sleep time. We as officers have to balance that with making sure they are alive. I also have unwrapped mummies and on two occasions opened a large mummy that I was able to separate into two mummies…:) I have to agree with Mick, once they’re locked down… Stay Safe!!! |
Oct 28, 2007
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Topic: The Club House / CCW Hello Merc, I don’t know who you work for but consider playing out some “What if” scenarios in your head. After a few of these it may be easier to decide whether or not you should carry concealed. Also consider going on a few ride-alongs with your local PD on any given Friday or Saturday night. After seeing some of the folks you may encounter out there the decision might be easier to make. I got my first CCW in 1992 and have been armed ever since. Stay Safe!! |